Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Super effective detoxification food - watermelon to get that beautiful!

To middle age often have constipation problems, we must Colon Cleanser, Colon Cleanser has become a hot topic of urban women. Following a detoxification eat food, help clean up the body waste, there will be unexpected bonus Oh.

(Sweet, level) has always been nourishing the physical, detoxifies and quality goods.

Efficacy: the lungs and cough, laxative, detoxifies and significant effect, the body can easily absorb. Fasting morning cup of honey, water, beauty, bowel laxative effect. The prevention of cardiovascular disease and nervous breakdown is also very good.

(Sweet, good) nourishing detox, spleen and stomach is an effective detoxification food, rich in carotene and vitamins.

Efficacy: mercury ion binding in vivo, it can effectively reduce the blood concentration of mercury ions accelerate the body's mercury ion exclusion. White radish, carrots, radishes also have the effect.

For symptoms: for lead, mercury exceeded the cosmetics or dietary lead and mercury caused by melasma, Hu Dieban and other skin problems.

(Taste salty, cold) is the phlegm, anti-inflammatory, asthma, detoxification, detox food ideal laxative.

Effects: Iodine can be absorbed by the body, the promotion of harmful substances, diseases and inflammatory exudate material exclusion, also called kelp contains a sulfated polysaccharide can absorb cholesterol in the bloodstream, and excreted.

For symptoms: goiter and iodine deficiency diseases caused by hypertension, atherosclerosis, drug toxicity, edema.

(Sweet, Level) is detoxification detoxification, elimination of intestinal gastric wash, and blood to stop bleeding of the best food.

Efficacy: ear contains a plant gum, a strong absorption edge, can be left in the dust inside the human digestive system, impurity adsorption, and then excreted.

For symptoms: dust in the work environment, in particular should be more fresh.

(Sweet, Level) is a clear Qingrejiedu, thirst in the detoxification of food.

Efficacy: cucumber cucumber contained acid, can promote human metabolism, detoxify, vitamin C content contained 5 times higher than that Watermelon can whiten the skin, to maintain flexibility, inhibition of melanin formation. Eating cucumber also help alleviate inflammation, can inhibit carbohydrate into fat.

For symptoms: lung, stomach, heart, liver and excretory system state is not good, the summer is easy irritability, thirst, sore throat or phlegm.
(Sweet, bitter, sexual-ping) is a detoxification, beauty beauty rare food.

Efficacy: bitter gourd contains a significant anti-cancer effect with the activity of proteins that can stimulate the immune system defenses, increase the activity of immune cells to clear the body of harmful substances.

For symptoms: Bitter though slightly bitter taste, but sweet aftertaste, women should eat more, to facilitate the smooth transfer blood.

(Sweet, sour, warm) is a detoxification diarrhea, thirst, detoxifies the ideal food.

Efficacy: litchi have Bushenyijing, improve liver function, accelerate the toxin exclusion, to promote cell growth, and make the skin tender and other effects.

For symptoms: rough skin, dry, in particular, often late at night due to kidney and so on. Pig: Sweet, warm, is detoxification bowel, raising blood volume, detoxifies the ideal food.

Efficacy: pig blood plasma proteins are the body's acid decomposition, the decomposition products to produce a bowel detoxification, harmful dust and metal particles can be excreted.

For symptoms: long-term exposure to harmful toxic dust, especially the daily driver of a vehicle driving. In addition, the pig blood is rich in iron, on the anemia and the pale who had improvement.

(Sweet, cool) is Qingrejiedu, remove the fire standing food.

Efficacy: eat it to help excrete toxins from the body, promote the body's normal metabolism.

For symptoms: Many people eat fatty, fried, and hot food after prone skin, itching, acne, prickly heat, green beans with a strong detoxification effect, can relieve a variety of toxins, mung beans can lower cholesterol, but also nourish the liver and allergy and in mung bean soup transferred honey, detoxifies and better efficacy.

(Of cool, flavor stand by) is the heat arrests restless, digestion of product, the detoxification urine defender Tom Lee.

Efficacy: the refreshing refreshing, and eyes, refreshing thirst-quenching effect is particularly significant, tea is rich in a kind of biological material - polyphenols, with detoxification. Tea polyphenols as a natural antioxidant, scavenging oxygen free radicals can be used for health and physical aging.

For symptoms: tea has obvious anti-cancer effect, insist on drinking tea with the positive effect against cancer

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